Emergency Dentist in

Manchester, VT

Having a dental emergency can be a frightening experience. Our office works to help all patients as quickly as possible during emergency situations. We see current patients as soon as possible for emergency assistance, while new patients are accommodated with an appointment when feasible. We recommend not to panic, and call our office. Our helpful staff will assist over the phone in regard to first aid and whether or not patients should seek help from the ER or Urgent Care. 

Common Dental Emergencies

  • Broken/cracked teeth causing pain

  • Teeth that are partially knocked out

  • Teeth that are fully knocked out

  • Painful toothaches

  • Lost/broken crown or filling

  • Object stuck between teeth

  • Jaw/TMJ injury

  • Soft tissue injury

  • Lacerated (cut) lips or gum

When to Skip the Dentist & Head to the ER

If you are experiencing unusual swelling, heavy oral bleeding, or possibly a broken jaw, we strongly recommend heading to the emergency room right away. In an instance where teeth have been lost or damaged, our office will work with your doctor to provide any necessary reconstructive care to restore your smile. 

Avoiding Dental Emergencies

The biggest aid in avoiding dental emergencies is staying current with your check-up appointments and dental recommendations.

It is also recommended that patients limit the consumption of sticky or particularly hard foods, don’t chew on ice, and use scissors (not your teeth!) when opening difficult packaging. It’s also recommended that patients with TMJ (bruxism) problems, and patients who play contact sports wear their mouthguards/sports guards to avoid damage to their teeth.